Saturday, December 6, 2008

Book publication announcement!

Over the past ten years I have written quite a few fly-fishing stories and have had many of them published in various fishing magazines and on web sites. I have been wanting to compile them into a book for several years and finally this year it's going to become a reality. The book is called, "Random Acts of Fishing. "
Some of the stories are true life adventures, while others are pure fantasy. Occasionally, a fishing travelogue is sprinkled in for good measure.
The book is now in the proofing stage and hopefully will be available on early next month. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!


Wonderdog said...

Hey Mike,

Looks like you've got a great new blog here. Congrats on the book! I'll be sure to look for it. Looking forward to stopping by here often to read your posts.

Esquire said...

Sounds like a great idea, Mike. Good luck.

Big Hoss said...


I would love to read it and do a review on let me know when it comes out.