Saturday, September 19, 2015

When Looks Are Deceiving

One of he most popular fish in the trout family is not a true trout after all. The rainbow trout is actually thought to be a smaller version of the pacific salmon. Rainbows love to move in the faster oxygen-rich waters of streams and rivers and have an enthusiasm for the take that makes them a sought after quarry.

Brook trout are related to the char family and are akin to lake trout. Like rainbows, they live in cool fast moving streams and creeks. They are also found in abundance in the high country lakes. Brookies are exceptionally beautiful fish and will eat almost anything. This makes fishing for them so much fun, but at the same time, difficult as they can be very skittish is the gin-clear water that is their playground.  

Brown trout, on the other hand, are said to be a true trout and are one of the most glamorized of all trout species for its strength and intensity of fight. Rather than a subject of quantity, catching browns is a matter of quality. Because brown trout can reach epic proportions during the fall migration, a single battle can make the fishing trip and create an experience of a lifetime.

Whatever they look like and by whatever name they go, trout will always be one of the most sought after and enjoyable fish to hunt.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

In the Blind

Knowing how to read the water and understanding trout behavior will go a long way to ensure success when fishing in the blind, (when you can't see fish rising).

Fishing in the blind most ofter occurs when a stream is moving fast and/or offers limited visibility. Since trout have limited time to inspect an offering before striking, these conditions can prove successful, especially when using a terrestrial to make a large splash on the surface and attract fish. Brook trout are opportunistic feeders and are known to attack just about any fly. Since time is of essence in a fast moving stream or one with poor visibility, Brookies can be a fun quarry providing lots of action.

Even if one does not see fish rising, a terrestrial can summon fish to the surface and create instant action. To improve your chances, make sure to cast to areas where one might reasonably expect to see terrestrials in large numbers. Always search the undercut banks that hold grasshoppers that haphazardly fall into the river. Using several types of hopper imitations works wonders. Sometimes, before actually fishing, I will walk through the tall grass near a stream to see what I kick up. Many times, I will kick up small grasshoppers that might be blown into the river. In my experience, trout seem to like the larger hoppers in lighter colors. Sometimes a parachute Adams works just fine for this purpose. Parachute Adams will also do well in the late evening when blind fishing, as you can still spot the white parachute of the Adams fly in the river and keep a good eye where your fly is at all times. If you are able to see the fly well, so can the trout! 

Don't give up on a piece of water just because there are no rising trout visible. By knowing how to read the water and understanding trout behavior, you can enjoy a very successful l time on the water!